Scaryminds is back, leaner and meaner

Jethro  2025-02-01

Well its been a while since we rocked and rolled, life, sickness, and people needing to finish off their studies impacted us as badly as Rings of Power impacted Tolkein's body of work. But just when you thought it was safe to go back to the internets we have risen again like a slasher protagonist in a really bad 70s flick. You know like the fourth entry in an increasingly unwatched franchise. While we were away dealing with real world developments horror has certainly been making its mark on popular culture with new Authors, some of which don't write vampire romances - who the fuck reads that shite, some real decent mainstream horror flicks that even normie critics are forced to acknowledge, and for sure the dark genre has kicked off Downunder with even New Zealand looking like we have our very own auteur starting his career. So lots to cover and we are going to be playing some rocking catch up.

Unfortunately nothing survives staying the same, it's called decay folks, and there have been some changes at the helm and future content directions. We will always remain primarily a Downunder horror site but more foreign content is now coming. Hey on the bright side we get to go full throttle into the Kingdom and review Stephen King novels etc. So expect some review of foreign movies, novels, and comics - actually we have been heavily reviewing foreign comics since day one as the local output isn't exactly threatening even a small forest. U.S citizens please take a seat this is going to shock you, output from the U.S of A are foreign content as far as we are concerned. So yes we are back sort of the same, but naw different.

So beside the foreign content what else is going to be new? Glad you decided to finally ask the question. We'll be having some rankings of bodies of work, lots of quizzies to test your knowledge - both horror and general, and a whole lot more. But having said that there's a bunch of features we'll be keeping. Box office analysis, reviews, and general mayhem.

Probably the biggest change however is going to be the addition of a horror podcast, once we get our acts together, and videos - now that promises to be a complete disaster waiting to happen. Due to popular demand, okay my Mum ask for it, we might just add a swag shop so punters can get some of that sweet merchandise at a reasonable price. We are still in negotiations there with an artist and an online store.

So yes currently the reviews, box office, and articles aren't on site - they will be coming back shortly as we gear the site up to what it once was. New features will be introduced regularly, which will allow for far more member involvement.

Stay tuned, we are working toward getting the site back to its former greatness.