Anyone want the reviews back!
Dirty Dan, Jethro 2025-02-12
One of the big aspects of this site were the reviews of movies, books, comics, games etc. Well the good news is the software is being worked on and is looking pretty good to me at this early stage. The developers are hard at work on the module, and expect to have something on site in the next few weeks. That's weeks not months folks, we are that close to rocking the review module.
So how are things going to work. The software will be uploaded, then run through a final Alpha test to make sure everything is tighter than a fish's bum. We'll then start to upload existing reviews and also the new reviews that have been worked on while the site has been in hiding. Some changes have been promised so hey that's a good thing, we aren't simply reproducing what we previously had. Over to Jethro who is the lead on this module.
Hey thanks Dan, yeah things are rocking on like a good time. We are deep in development and have the framework and input routines about done, still need to work on the presentation, but that's generally the last thing to get worked on. We know there's a problem on the front page of the site if viewed via phone, but this is going to be fixed as we publish the review module. A nifty new feature will be reader comments, which will allow members to tell us what they think of the review or the subject of the review.
Keep checking back folks, those reviews are not going to be reading themselves.