Alien Earth Teaser Trailer Drops
Dirty Dan 2025-02-09
The first full teaser trailer has dropped for Alien: Earth, you know the one that is going to be the first to bring Xenomorphs to planet Earth. Wow, guess AvP and AvP: Requiem amongst a number of expanded universe titles never happened then, must have been a fevered dream then. The problem with the trailer is the CGI is so dated that I'm surprised it wasn't used in an Alien platform game back in the day, seriously I know people that would have done better on a last generation home PC without professional software.
Naturally the web being the web there have been a number of theories posted about what we are seeing in the trailer. There's a theory that we are seeing facehuggers with wings, seriously did those people actually watch the trailer, it's clearly a cockroach like creature - loved the scurrying sounds I have to say. That not being enough, we have a not well support theory that we are seeing a bug being attacked by a facehugger, dear god in heaven keep it in your pants. And to top that we have a theory that we are seeing industrial espionage gone completely wrong! Well at the least that's drawing a long bow.
What we can say is we are seeing a space ship, anyone else picking up Nostromo vibes in the look, full of critters that is out of control and plummeting to Earth. My theory is the critters got out of stasis, mayhem happened, and the ship is now out of control. Pity about the CGI, that is already looking dated and is obviously computer generated.