New Stephen King Novel for release May 27th

Jethro  2025-02-10

Holly Gibson is a recurrent King character of recent years, and once again is called on to go into battle against a psychopath. The novel has two interconnected storylines, why make it simple if you are King, one about a killer on a diabolical revenge mission, and another about a vigilante targeting a feminist celebrity speaker. There are currently no other details available, though we will be keeping our eyes on the proze as we get closer to the promised May 27th release date.

As of writing the release date is set for most markets, and will involve hardback, eBook, and Audio releases. I would imagine the trade paperback version will hit shelves six months later. While King's previous novel, the most excellent You Like It Darker, was definitely horror centric the new novel is more steeped in the crime thriller genre, though Steve can't ever keep those dark genre demons caged! Hey Holly definitely edge up to and crossed the horror border line folks, and that was also a crime novel.

We will of course be reviewing the new novel as soon as we can get our grubby paws on Never Flinch, till then stay tuned for other reviews of previous Stephen King novels and collections. We still have a mountain of them to get through folks.